OSDB  OSDB Service Actions

Actions for Service: uber

Action IDDescription
productsReturns information about the Uber products offered at a given location
Action options:

-l, --longitude <longitude>
	Longitude component of location
	Required: yes
-m, --latitude <latitude>
	Latitude component of location
	Required: yes
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Some response formats are only available when using --generate_rdf.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: application/json, application/ld+json, application/rdf+xml, text/turtle
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
-g, --generate_rdf [generate_rdf]
	Convert the action results to RDF.
	Supports --response_format text/turtle | application/rdf+xml | application/ld+json
	Required: no
-d, --display_rdf [display_rdf]
	Convert the action results to RDF, save and display the RDF.
	Required: no