OSDB  OSDB Service Actions

Actions for Service: refinitiv_graph_feed

Action IDDescription
download_a_content_setDownload a content set
Action options:

-i, --id <id>
	The id of the content set to download.
	Required: yes
-a, --accept_encoding [accept_encoding]
	Optional header value to set compression algorithm.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: bzip2, gzip
-b, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-v, --version [version]
	The version of the content set to download.  Leave blank to download the latest version.
	Required: no
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
download_metadata_for_a_content_setDownload metadata for a content set
Action options:

-v, --version [version]
	The version of the content set.  Leave blank to download metadata for the latest version.
	Required: no
-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-i, --id <id>
	The id of the content set.
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
find_a_content_set_by_idFind a content set by ID
Action options:

-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-i, --id <id>
	The id of the content set to find.
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
find_an_entitlement_by_idFind an entitlement by ID
Action options:

-i, --id <id>
	The id of the entitlement to find.
	Required: yes
-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
get_the_list_of_available_content_setsGet the list of available content sets
Action options:

-e, --entitled [entitled]
	Only show entitled content sets.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: false, true
-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
get_the_list_of_entitlementsGet the list of entitlements
Action options:

-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
get_the_next_chunk_of_rdf_for_a_content_setGet the next chunk of RDF for a content set
Action options:

-a, --authorization [authorization]
	Provide your access token with bearer prefix (Bearer [your token])
	Required: no
-v, --version <version>
	The version of the content set to consume.
	Required: yes
-r, --resumptiontoken <resumptiontoken>
	The resumption token for the next chunk of RDF to retrieve (as found in the headers of the previous response).
	Required: yes
-i, --id <id>
	The id of the content set.
	Required: yes
-b, --accept_encoding [accept_encoding]
	Optional header value to set compression algorithm.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: bzip2, gzip
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-s, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/html
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no