OSDB  OSDB Service Actions

Actions for Service: ods_calendar

Action IDDescription
Action options:

-a, --annotation_id <annotation_id>
	<p>The id of the annotation as returned by annotation.new(). </p>
	Required: yes
-c, --claimvalue <claimvalue>
	<p>The value of the property.</p>
	Required: yes
-d, --claimrelation <claimrelation>
	<p>The property to be stored. </p>
	Required: yes
-e, --claimiri <claimiri>
	<p>The IRI of the annotation. FIXME: this seems redundant seeing that we also put in the id </p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-a, --annotation_id <annotation_id>
	<p>The id of the annotation to delete as returned by annotation.new().</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-a, --annotation_id <annotation_id>
	<p>The id of the annotation.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the event or task to annotate. </p>
	Required: yes
-a, --author <author>
	<p>The name of the author of the annotation. </p>
	Required: yes
-b, --body <body>
	<p>The content of the annotation.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-c, --comment_id <comment_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the comment to delete.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-c, --comment_id <comment_id>
	<p>The id of the comment.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-p, --parent_id [parent_id]
	<p>The optional id of the comment the new comment should reply to. </p>
	Required: no
-e, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the event or task to comment on. </p>
	Required: yes
-t, --text <text>
	<p>The text body of the comment. </p>
	Required: yes
-u, --title <title>
	<p>The title of the comment. </p>
	Required: yes
-f, --email <email>
	<p>The email address of the commenter. </p>
	Required: yes
-n, --name <name>
	<p>The name of the commenter. </p>
	Required: yes
-v, --url [url]
	<p>An optional URL to identify the commenter.</p>
	Required: no
-w, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the event or task to delete.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --erepeatparam1 [erepeatparam1]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-f, --eventend <eventend>
	<p>The end time of the event. The same rules apply as for <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: yes
-g, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar event. This is returned by <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gab95f6af654dbeb01148534b6e870fb26">calendar.event.new()</ref>. </p>
	Required: yes
-s, --subject <subject>
	<p>The subject/title of the event. </p>
	Required: yes
-h, --erepeatuntilkind [erepeatuntilkind]
	<p>Kind of until repeat: 0 - Unlimited; 1 - Count of occurrences; 2 - Until repeat date. </p>
	Required: no
-i, --eventstart <eventstart>
	<p>The start of the event as a datetime value. This only requires a time if the type of the event is set to intervall <computeroutput />(0). Otherwise only the date is required. See also <ulink url="http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/coredbengine.html#DTTIMESTAMP">Virtuoso TIMESTAMP; DATE &amp; TIME</ulink>. </p>
	Required: yes
-u, --uid [uid]
	<p />
	Required: no
-t, --tags [tags]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of tags to assign to the new event. </p>
	Required: no
-p, --privacy [privacy]
	<p>Set the new event to be public <computeroutput />(1) or private <computeroutput />(0) or controlled by ACL <computeroutput />(2). See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__briefcase_1ods_permissions_acl">ODS Access Control Lists (ACL)</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: no
-j, --erepeatparam3 [erepeatparam3]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-a, --attendees [attendees]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of email addresses of people working on the event. </p>
	Required: no
-k, --erepeat [erepeat]
	<p>Sets the event repetition:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p>An empty value (the default) means no repetition</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>D1</computeroutput> - repeats every Nth day where <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput> indicates the interval (1 for every day, 3 for every 3rd day, etc.)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>D2</computeroutput> - repeats every weekday (Monday to Friday)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>W1</computeroutput> - repeats every Nth week (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) on the week days indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>. This is realized as a bitmask where each day in the week corresponds to one bit. So to specify for example Mon, Tue, and Sat a value of <computeroutput>2^0+2^1+2^5=35</computeroutput> needs to be specified as <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>M1</computeroutput> - repeats on every Nth day (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) of the Mth month (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>M2</computeroutput> - repeats the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last (indicated by 1-5 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) Mon, Tue, <bold>DOT</bold>.., Sun, day, weekday, or weekend (indicated by 1-10 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>) of every Nth month (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput>).</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>Y1</computeroutput> - repeats every N years (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) on the month and day indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput> respectively.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>Y2</computeroutput> - repeats the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last (indicated by 1-5 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) Mon, Tue, <bold>DOT</bold>.., Sun, day, weekday, or weekend (indicated by 1-10 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>) of the month indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput> (Jan to Dec). </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-l, --erepeatuntilvalue [erepeatuntilvalue]
	<p>Integer for count of occurrences (by eRepeatUntilKind=1) or datetime when to end the repetition of the event (by eRepeatUntilKind=2). </p>
	Required: no
-m, --event [event]
	<p>The type of the event: An all-day event <computeroutput />(1) or an intervall event <computeroutput />(0) for which both <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>eventEnd</computeroutput> should contain a time. </p>
	Required: no
-n, --erepeatparam2 [erepeatparam2]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-o, --location [location]
	<p />
	Required: no
-q, --notes [notes]
	<p>Additional notes on the event. FIXME: what is the difference to description?</p>
	Required: no
-d, --description [description]
	<p>The optional description of the event, typically longer than <computeroutput>subject</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-r, --ereminder [ereminder]
	<p><computeroutput>0</computeroutput> to disable the reminder or the time in seconds of how long before the event the reminder should be shown. </p>
	Required: no
-v, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-w, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-x, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --erepeatparam2 [erepeatparam2]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-f, --eventstart <eventstart>
	<p>The start of the event as a datetime value. This only requires a time if the type of the event is set to intervall <computeroutput />(0). Otherwise only the date is required. See also <ulink url="http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/coredbengine.html#DTTIMESTAMP">Virtuoso TIMESTAMP; DATE &amp; TIME</ulink>. </p>
	Required: yes
-g, --event [event]
	<p>The type of the event: An all-day event <computeroutput />(1) or an intervall event <computeroutput />(0) for which both <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>eventEnd</computeroutput> should contain a time. </p>
	Required: no
-h, --erepeatuntilvalue [erepeatuntilvalue]
	<p>Integer for count of occurrences (by eRepeatUntilKind=1) or datetime when to end the repetition of the event (by eRepeatUntilKind=2). </p>
	Required: no
-u, --uid [uid]
	<p />
	Required: no
-l, --location [location]
	<p />
	Required: no
-s, --subject <subject>
	<p>The subject/title of the event. </p>
	Required: yes
-p, --privacy [privacy]
	<p>Set the new event to be public <computeroutput />(1) or private <computeroutput />(0) or controlled by ACL <computeroutput />(2). See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__briefcase_1ods_permissions_acl">ODS Access Control Lists (ACL)</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: no
-t, --tags [tags]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of tags to assign to the new event. </p>
	Required: no
-a, --attendees [attendees]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of email addresses of people working on the event. </p>
	Required: no
-i, --eventend <eventend>
	<p>The end time of the event. The same rules apply as for <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: yes
-j, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-k, --erepeatuntilkind [erepeatuntilkind]
	<p>Kind of until repeat: 0 - Unlimited; 1 - Count of occurrences; 2 - Until repeat date. </p>
	Required: no
-m, --erepeatparam1 [erepeatparam1]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-n, --erepeatparam3 [erepeatparam3]
	<p>Additional repetition parameter as detailed above. </p>
	Required: no
-o, --ereminder [ereminder]
	<p><computeroutput>0</computeroutput> to disable the reminder or the time in seconds of how long before the event the reminder should be shown. </p>
	Required: no
-q, --erepeat [erepeat]
	<p>Sets the event repetition:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p>An empty value (the default) means no repetition</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>D1</computeroutput> - repeats every Nth day where <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput> indicates the interval (1 for every day, 3 for every 3rd day, etc.)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>D2</computeroutput> - repeats every weekday (Monday to Friday)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>W1</computeroutput> - repeats every Nth week (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) on the week days indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>. This is realized as a bitmask where each day in the week corresponds to one bit. So to specify for example Mon, Tue, and Sat a value of <computeroutput>2^0+2^1+2^5=35</computeroutput> needs to be specified as <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>M1</computeroutput> - repeats on every Nth day (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) of the Mth month (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>)</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>M2</computeroutput> - repeats the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last (indicated by 1-5 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) Mon, Tue, <bold>DOT</bold>.., Sun, day, weekday, or weekend (indicated by 1-10 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>) of every Nth month (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput>).</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>Y1</computeroutput> - repeats every N years (indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) on the month and day indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput> respectively.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>Y2</computeroutput> - repeats the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last (indicated by 1-5 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam1</computeroutput>) Mon, Tue, <bold>DOT</bold>.., Sun, day, weekday, or weekend (indicated by 1-10 in <computeroutput>eRepeatParam2</computeroutput>) of the month indicated by <computeroutput>eRepeatParam3</computeroutput> (Jan to Dec). </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-d, --description [description]
	<p>The optional description of the event, typically longer than <computeroutput>subject</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-r, --notes [notes]
	<p>Additional notes on the event. FIXME: what is the difference to description?</p>
	Required: no
-v, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-w, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-x, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-t, --tagsinclude [tagsinclude]
	<p>Optional comma-separated list of tags to include in the export. If given only events and tasks tagged thusly will be exported. </p>
	Required: no
-u, --tagsexclude [tagsexclude]
	<p>Optional comma-separated list of tags to exclude from the export. If given events and tasks tagged thusly are excluded from the export.</p>
	Required: no
-v, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks will be exported. </p>
	Required: no
-p, --periodto [periodto]
	<p>Optional end time. If given no events or tasks after that time will be exported. </p>
	Required: no
-q, --periodfrom [periodfrom]
	<p>Optional start time. If given no events or tasks before that time will be exported. </p>
	Required: no
-e, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events will be exported. </p>
	Required: no
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-w, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-s, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the event or task. Event ids are unque across calendar instances.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-e, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events will be imported. </p>
	Required: no
-u, --username [username]
	<p>Optional user name required to access the source. Defaults to the calling user credentials. </p>
	Required: no
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-s, --sourcetype [sourcetype]
	<p>Can be one of <computeroutput>"url"</computeroutput> or <computeroutput>"webdav"</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-t, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks will be imported. </p>
	Required: no
-v, --tags [tags]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of tags to assign to the imported events and tasks.</p>
	Required: no
-w, --userpassword [userpassword]
	<p>Optional password required to access the source. Defaults to the calling user credentials. </p>
	Required: no
-x, --source <source>
	<p>The source URL or path depending on the <computeroutput>sourceType</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: yes
-y, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-o, --options <options>
	<p>A comma-separated list of <computeroutput>"key=value"</computeroutput> pairs. Supported keys are:<itemizedlist>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-p, --publication_id <publication_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the publication created via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1ga9bccc2c70224a63a8d8e78d2c9c930e1">calendar.publication.new()</ref>.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-d, --destinationtype [destinationtype]
	<p>Can be one of the following:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"webdav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a WebDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"caldav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a CalDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"url"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a URL. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-t, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks are published.</p>
	Required: no
-u, --updateperiod [updateperiod]
	<p>Can be one of <computeroutput>"daily"</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>"hourly"</computeroutput>. Only used for the scheduled updating. </p>
	Required: no
-p, --publication_id <publication_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar publication as returned by <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1ga9bccc2c70224a63a8d8e78d2c9c930e1">calendar.publication.new()</ref>. </p>
	Required: yes
-e, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events are published. </p>
	Required: no
-v, --updatefreq [updatefreq]
	<p>Specifies the frequency of the scheduled updates. Depending on the value of <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> the publication is updated every N days or hours. </p>
	Required: no
-w, --updatetype [updatetype]
	<p>Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - The publication is updated manually via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gac3305604cf524569feda58fa2dc81a1e">calendar.publication.sync()</ref></p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - The publication is updated automatically whenever an entry changes.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>3</computeroutput> - The publication is updated based on the schedule set via <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>updateFreq</computeroutput>. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-f, --destination <destination>
	<p>The location where the events and tasks should be published (depends on the value of <computeroutput>destinationType</computeroutput>) </p>
	Required: yes
-n, --name <name>
	<p>A user-readable name for the publication. FIXME: why is this not optional? </p>
	Required: yes
-x, --username [username]
	<p>An optional userName which might be required to access the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-y, --userpassword [userpassword]
	<p>The password for the given <computeroutput>userName</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-z, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-p, --publication_id <publication_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the publication.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-n, --name <name>
	<p>A user-readable name for the new publication. </p>
	Required: yes
-u, --updateperiod [updateperiod]
	<p>Can be one of <computeroutput>"daily"</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>"hourly"</computeroutput>. Only used for the scheduled updating. </p>
	Required: no
-d, --destination <destination>
	<p>The location where the events and tasks should be published (depends on the value of <computeroutput>destinationType</computeroutput>) </p>
	Required: yes
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-t, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks are published.</p>
	Required: no
-v, --updatefreq [updatefreq]
	<p>Specifies the frequency of the scheduled updates. Depending on the value of <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> the publication is updated every N days or hours. </p>
	Required: no
-w, --updatetype [updatetype]
	<p>Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - The publication is updated manually via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gac3305604cf524569feda58fa2dc81a1e">calendar.publication.sync()</ref></p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - The publication is updated automatically whenever an entry changes.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>3</computeroutput> - The publication is updated based on the schedule set via <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>updateFreq</computeroutput>. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-e, --destinationtype [destinationtype]
	<p>Can be one of the following:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"webdav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a WebDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"caldav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a CalDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"url"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput> is a URL. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-f, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events are published. </p>
	Required: no
-x, --username [username]
	<p>An optional userName which might be required to access the <computeroutput>destination</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-y, --userpassword [userpassword]
	<p>The password for the given <computeroutput>userName</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-z, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-p, --publication_id <publication_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the publication to update.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-s, --subscription_id <subscription_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the subscription created via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gad8b3e6e18774c55798b89b34091f5cda">calendar.subscription.new()</ref>.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-u, --updateperiod [updateperiod]
	<p>Can be one of <computeroutput>"daily"</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>"hourly"</computeroutput>. Only used for the scheduled updating. </p>
	Required: no
-e, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events are included. </p>
	Required: no
-v, --updatefreq [updatefreq]
	<p>Specifies the frequency of the scheduled updates. Depending on the value of <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> the subscription is updated every N days or hours. </p>
	Required: no
-s, --sourcetype [sourcetype]
	<p>Can be one of the following:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"webdav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a WebDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"caldav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a CalDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"url"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a URL. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-w, --updatetype [updatetype]
	<p>Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - The subscription is updated manually via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1ga5f3d096b31c44bf24c92479349779a07">calendar.subscription.sync()</ref></p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - The subscription is updated based on the schedule set via <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>updateFreq</computeroutput>. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-t, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks are included.</p>
	Required: no
-n, --name <name>
	<p>A user-readable name for the new subscription. </p>
	Required: yes
-x, --source <source>
	<p>The location from where the events and tasks should be fetched (depends on the value of <computeroutput>sourceType</computeroutput>) </p>
	Required: yes
-y, --subscription_id <subscription_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar subscription as returned by <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gad8b3e6e18774c55798b89b34091f5cda">calendar.subscription.new()</ref>. </p>
	Required: yes
-z, --userpassword [userpassword]
	<p>The password for the given <computeroutput>userName</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-a, --username [username]
	<p>An optional userName which might be required to access the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-b, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-s, --subscription_id <subscription_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the subscription.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-n, --name <name>
	<p>A user-readable name for the new subscription. </p>
	Required: yes
-s, --sourcetype [sourcetype]
	<p>Can be one of the following:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"webdav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a WebDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"caldav"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a CalDAV path.</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"url"</computeroutput> - In this case the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput> is a URL. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-u, --username [username]
	<p>An optional userName which might be required to access the <computeroutput>source</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-t, --source <source>
	<p>The location from where the events and tasks should be fetched (depends on the value of <computeroutput>sourceType</computeroutput>) </p>
	Required: yes
-v, --updatetype [updatetype]
	<p>Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - The subscription is updated manually via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1ga5f3d096b31c44bf24c92479349779a07">calendar.subscription.sync()</ref></p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - The subscription is updated based on the schedule set via <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>updateFreq</computeroutput>. </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-w, --updateperiod [updateperiod]
	<p>Can be one of <computeroutput>"daily"</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>"hourly"</computeroutput>. Only used for the scheduled updating. </p>
	Required: no
-e, --events [events]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> events are included. </p>
	Required: no
-x, --updatefreq [updatefreq]
	<p>Specifies the frequency of the scheduled updates. Depending on the value of <computeroutput>updatePeriod</computeroutput> the subscription is updated every N days or hours. </p>
	Required: no
-y, --tasks [tasks]
	<p>If <computeroutput>1</computeroutput> tasks are included.</p>
	Required: no
-z, --userpassword [userpassword]
	<p>The password for the given <computeroutput>userName</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-a, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-s, --subscription_id <subscription_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the subscription to update.</p>
	Required: yes
-u, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-t, --tags [tags]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of tags to assign to the new task. </p>
	Required: no
-c, --complete [complete]
	<p>The completion state as percentage (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) </p>
	Required: no
-e, --eventstart <eventstart>
	<p>The start of the task as a datetime value. See also <ulink url="http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/coredbengine.html#DTTIMESTAMP">Virtuoso TIMESTAMP; DATE &amp; TIME</ulink>. </p>
	Required: yes
-d, --description [description]
	<p>The optional description of the task, typically longer than <computeroutput>subject</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-f, --event_id <event_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar task. This is returned by <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1ga6921b0addc1f6bf7a5b56217defbd95e">calendar.task.new()</ref>. </p>
	Required: yes
-p, --priority [priority]
	<p>The priority of the task.<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - highest,</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - high</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>3</computeroutput> - normal,</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>4</computeroutput> - low</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>5</computeroutput> - lowest </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-g, --completed [completed]
	<p>The time when the task has been completed. </p>
	Required: no
-u, --uid [uid]
	<p />
	Required: no
-a, --attendees [attendees]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of email addresses of people working on the task. </p>
	Required: no
-s, --status [status]
	<p>The task status. Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"Not Started"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"In Progress"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Completed"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Waiting"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Deferred"</computeroutput> </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-h, --eventend <eventend>
	<p>The end time of the task. The same rules apply as for <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: yes
-v, --subject <subject>
	<p>The subject/title of the task. </p>
	Required: yes
-q, --privacy [privacy]
	<p>Set the new task to be public <computeroutput />(1) or private <computeroutput />(0) or controlled by ACL <computeroutput />(2). See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__briefcase_1ods_permissions_acl">ODS Access Control Lists (ACL)</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: no
-n, --notes [notes]
	<p>Additional optional notes.</p>
	Required: no
-w, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-x, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-u, --uid [uid]
	<p />
	Required: no
-a, --attendees [attendees]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of email addresses of people working on the task. </p>
	Required: no
-n, --notes [notes]
	<p>Additional optional notes.</p>
	Required: no
-s, --subject <subject>
	<p>The subject/title of the task. </p>
	Required: yes
-t, --tags [tags]
	<p>An optional comma-separated list of tags to assign to the new task. </p>
	Required: no
-d, --description [description]
	<p>The optional description of the task, typically longer than <computeroutput>subject</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: no
-c, --complete [complete]
	<p>The completion state as percentage (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) </p>
	Required: no
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-e, --completed [completed]
	<p>The time when the task has been completed. </p>
	Required: no
-f, --eventend <eventend>
	<p>The end time of the task. The same rules apply as for <computeroutput>eventStart</computeroutput>. </p>
	Required: yes
-g, --eventstart <eventstart>
	<p>The start of the task as a datetime value. See also <ulink url="http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/coredbengine.html#DTTIMESTAMP">Virtuoso TIMESTAMP; DATE &amp; TIME</ulink>. </p>
	Required: yes
-p, --priority [priority]
	<p>The priority of the task.<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>1</computeroutput> - highest,</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>2</computeroutput> - high</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>3</computeroutput> - normal,</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>4</computeroutput> - low</p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>5</computeroutput> - lowest </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-q, --privacy [privacy]
	<p>Set the new task to be public <computeroutput />(1) or private <computeroutput />(0) or controlled by ACL <computeroutput />(2). See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__briefcase_1ods_permissions_acl">ODS Access Control Lists (ACL)</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: no
-v, --status [status]
	<p>The task status. Can be one of:<itemizedlist>
	<listitem><p><computeroutput>"Not Started"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"In Progress"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Completed"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Waiting"</computeroutput> </p></listitem><listitem><p><computeroutput>"Deferred"</computeroutput> </p></listitem></itemizedlist>
	Required: no
-w, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-x, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-u, --upstream_id <upstream_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the upstream created via <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__calendar_1gae143412c6b58232171cf88142f68858c">calendar.upstream.new()</ref>.</p>
	Required: yes
-v, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-n, --name <name>
	<p>A human-readable name for the new upstream. </p>
	Required: yes
-u, --userpassword <userpassword>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-t, --tagsinclude [tagsinclude]
	<p />
	Required: no
-v, --tagsexclude [tagsexclude]
	<p />
	Required: no
-w, --upstream_id <upstream_id>
	<p>The numerical id of the upstream to modify. </p>
	Required: yes
-x, --username <username>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-s, --source <source>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-y, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no
Action options:

-u, --userpassword <userpassword>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-t, --tagsexclude [tagsexclude]
	<p />
	Required: no
-v, --username <username>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-s, --source <source>
	<p />
	Required: yes
-n, --name <name>
	<p>A human-readable name for the new upstream. </p>
	Required: yes
-i, --inst_id <inst_id>
	<p>The id of the Calendar app instance. See <ref kindref="member" refid="group__ods__module__instance_1ods_instance_id">ODS App Instance Ids</ref> for details. </p>
	Required: yes
-w, --tagsinclude [tagsinclude]
	<p />
	Required: no
-x, --url_only [url_only]
	Return only the action URL, not the action results
	Required: no
-r, --response_format [response_format]
	Sets the response media type through an Accept header.
	Required: no
	Permitted values: text/xml
-q, --quality_values [quality_values]
	Quality value string. e.g. application/json;q=1.0,text/turtle;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5. 
	--response_format takes precedence.
	Required: no